Monday, May 17, 2010

Invisalign® treatment at Caponera Orthodontics: What's the advantage?

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the importance of straight teeth. Today, we thought we'd follow-up and discuss one of the best ways you can accomplish a straight, beautiful smile: Invisalign.

If you're wondering what Invisalign treatment is really like, and what effect it will have on your day-to-day activities, trust us when we say that you're not alone. Folks always ask Dr. Caponera if Invisalign will slur their speech or if people know they're in treatment?

To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing Dr. Caponera does is take an impression of your teeth as they are now - and digitizes it. Using special software, he looks at the current positioning of your teeth and compares it to the way your teeth should look. Next, Dr. Caponera and team use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. The best part about Invisalign treatment? Nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Caponera is a certified Invisalign provider in Plantation and surrounding communities. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment at Caponera Orthodontics, please give us a call.

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