Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween from Caponera Orthodontics!

Happy Halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

BOOOO! In the spirit of this weekend's sweet and spooky holiday, Dr. Rinaldo Caponera and our staff at Caponera Orthodontics would like to remind all of our patients to be safe while celebrating with friends and family. The American Association of Orthodontists were kind enough to provide trick-or-treaters with some tips for a ghoulishly good time.

A few Halloween safety guidelines:

• Young children should always be accompanied by a parent or an adult
• Carry a flashlight
• Wear a light-colored or reflective costume
• Choose face paint over masks for young ghosts and goblins
• Have a parent/adult inspect all treats before kids dig in

Many treats can cause havoc for trick-or-treaters who are going through orthodontic treatment, including sticky, chewy, gummy and nutty goodies. If you happen to damage your braces, please give us a call immediately.

We wish you all a safe, fun and happy Halloween weekend!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The common cold is back, from Caponera Orthodontics

sick Pictures, Images and Photos

It's fall season, which means it's also cold and flu season. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, says that a common cold usually includes sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and coughing. Symptoms can last for up to two weeks, according to the CDC.

To promote a healthy and clean environment, Dr. Caponera and our staff at Caponera Orthodontics give a great deal of attention to sanitation and sterilization in our Plantation, FL office at all times, as well as following all requirements for sterilizing instruments and work surfaces. For the protection of other patients and our staff, we always ask that patients reschedule their appointments if they have any type of cold or illness that can infect others.

And remember to constantly wash your hands and avoid contact with those who are ill! Have a great rest of your weekend!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Connect with Caponera Orthodontics on Facebook!

Did you know Caponera Orthodontics has an official Facebook page? Our fan page, which keeps growing each day, provides you the latest news from Dr. Caponera and our office. We invite you to connect with us and be "in the loop" for all things Caponera Orthodontics.

We invite you to “Like” Caponera Orthodontics on Facebook, where we share all office news, contest announcements and updates. By Liking our page, you will receive updates from our office automatically in your Facebook news feed!

See you on Facebook!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ask Dr. Caponera: Which foods are actually healthy for my teeth?

With so many foods and drinks to choose from during your treatment at Caponera Orthodontics, it's hard to decipher which ones are truly good for you. So we thought we'd provide some answers to some of the more important questions you may have.

Which foods and drinks are actually healthy for my teeth?

Natural food and drink are the healthiest! The best drink to have is water. Water re-hydrates the body and does not cause cavities. Plain coffee also does not cause cavities – but it can lead to dehydration. All other drinks either cause an increase in mouth bacteria. If you are drinking juice or milk, make sure to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste! Even though these are natural drinks, they can increase the sugar in the mouth which can lead to cavities. The fluoride helps the enamel of the tooth become harder and better defended against attacks from bacteria.

Can hard candies or hard mints cause damage to my teeth?

Dense mints and candies can, in some cases, chip teeth. If you have a lot of large fillings then the tooth is more apt to crack with a hard, dense food. Also, hard candies tend to be sticky in the mouth. Sticky pieces of candy can lodge in the grooves of the teeth and cause cavities. Natural candy (like chocolate) is better because the saliva is better able to dissolve & wash away the sugars.

Is sugar-free gum good for my teeth, or can it still cause cavities?

The American Dental Association has approved some sugar-free gum brands. Chewing gum increases the amount of saliva that is released into the mouth. This increased saliva carries proteins that help break down the sugars that can cause cavities. So, in some cases, sugar-free gum can be good for you! If you are wearing braces or retainers, ask Dr. Caponera if you can chew gum!

Are spicy or acidic foods bad for my teeth?

Acidic foods, such as citric juices or sodas, can change the balance of the saliva in the mouth. The combination of acid and sugar is the real enemy. The acid can attack the enamel structure of the tooth and the sugar feeds the cavity-causing bacteria. If you drink water or brush with fluoride toothpaste, the teeth are better protected and the acid is neutralized. Spicy foods actually increase the saliva production in your mouth.

Hope this helps!

-- Dr. Caponera and team

Friday, October 1, 2010

At Caponera Orthodontics, October is National Orthodontic Health Month!

Today is the first day of October, which means it's officially National Orthodontic Health Month! Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists put a great deal of effort into adding useful information to their website. Dr. Rinaldo Caponera and our staff encourage you to check out their braces-friendly recipes!

Here is a brief list of foods we'd like you to avoid while you're wearing braces:

• Caramel
• Nuts
• Popcorn (including un-popped kernels)
• Taffy
• Jelly beans
• Hard pretzels
• Licorice
• Bubblegum
• Taco chips
• Ice

Dr. Caponera and our staff at Caponera Orthodontics encourage you to give us a call at 954-376-3845, ask us on Facebook or ask Dr. Caponera during your next visit if you have any questions!

Happy Friday!